Ardmore Berkshire College — language school in the UK

  • British Council
  • English UK
  • ALTO
  • Hall Place Lane, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead, UK
  • Campus
  • age from 9 to 17
Summer English School
from 723,83 EUR per week
Age group for the tour from 9 to 17 years
14/06/2025   27/08/2025
Autumn English School
from 664,47 EUR per week
Age group for the tour from 9 to 17 years
23/08/2025   31/12/2025
Autumn English London Discovery School
from 745,55 EUR per week
Age group for the tour from 9 to 17 years
23/08/2025   31/12/2025
Summer English School
from 670,21 EUR per week
Age group for the tour from 9 to 17 years
14/06/2025   27/08/2025
Spring English School
from 730,75 EUR per week
Age group for the tour from 9 to 17 years
01/02/2025   04/06/2025
Summer English School
from 757,34 EUR per week
Age group for the tour from 9 to 17 years
13/06/2025   29/08/2025
Summer English School
from 757,34 EUR per week
Age group for the tour from 9 to 17 years
13/06/2025   27/08/2025
Off-season English School
from 654,59 EUR per week
Age group for the tour from 9 to 17 years
01/02/2025   04/06/2025
School Integration Program
from 819,05 EUR per week
Age group for the tour from 9 to 17 years
01/09/2025   31/05/2025

What else included

  • Размещение + трехразовое питание
  • 15 часов английского языка 
  • Выездные экскурсии
  • Развлекательные мероприятия 
  • Трансфер из аэропорта и в аэропорт


Berkshire College is a perfect location for students wishing to attend an English Language course. The college is the home of Ardmore Language Schools.

It is set in extensive grounds with a historic Mansion House. Some classrooms and the common room are located within the Mansion House with the accommodation blocks nearby. Its close proximity to London and the quick transfer time from all the London airports make it very popular centre for all students who wish to improve their English and enjoy cultural visits to London, Windsor, Oxford and Reading.

A typical day with Ardmore

Students have three hours of English lessons per day from Monday to Friday, with the lessons divided into two parts.

Part One: Language input, which involves using grammar and vocabulary in various tasks/exercises.

Part Two: Fluency/practice activities aimed at developing fluency through specific tasks like designing a website or poster, conducting a classroom survey or even producing/acting in a short play.

We offer a wide range of activities, which may include: Football, Arts & Crafts, Dance, Tennis, Basketball, etc.

Evening entertainment programme may include Talent Show, Disco, Quiz Nights, Film Nights, Sports Tournaments and more options.

Emphasis on communication helps students to use English for a variety of purposes and in various situations. Our aim is to build students' knowledge and confidence in understanding and speaking English.

During the school year the school runs an integration programme for students aged 7-17. In the mornings and afternoons kids live out their normal college routine: they attend classes in history, geography, computer science, English, sports and drama lessons together with British pupils and cook national dishes. No specific English lessons for groups are included but children get a chance to experience school life in Britain firsthand, try their hand at new sports and make new friends. The centre organises excursions for groups if desired.

School advantages

  • Safe compact campus 
  • Historic building and home to The Ardmore Group
  • Great location
  • Fantastic range of specialist programmes

School infrastructure

  • Large lecture theatre
  • Dining Area
  • Shop with vending machines
  • Indoor conference hall

Sport infrastructure

  • Sports Hall
  • Extensive playing fields
  • Dance Studio 

Hobbies and clubs

  • Golf Academy
  • Horse riding Academy
  • Tennis Academy
  • Super London discovery
  • Euro city tour

Recommended arrival cities

  • London


Hall Place Lane, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead, UK

Sample program

  • 1 day

    Morning. Заезд
    Day. Заезд
    Evening. Заезд

  • 2 day

    Morning. Экскурсия на место съемок фильма Гарри Поттер
    Day. Экскурсия на место съемок фильма Гарри Поттер
    Evening. Свободное время

  • 3 day

    Morning. Уроки
    Day. Спортивные и досуговые мероприятия
    Evening. Вечер знакомств

  • 4 day

    Morning. Уроки
    Day. Спортивные и досуговые мероприятия
    Evening. Викторины

  • 5 day

    Morning. Уроки
    Day. Экскурсия в Виндзор
    Evening. Шоу талантов

  • 6 day

    Morning. Уроки
    Day. Спортивные и досуговые мероприятия
    Evening. Игры

  • 7 day

    Morning. Уроки
    Day. Спортивные и досуговые мероприятия
    Evening. Дискотека

  • Travel Class reviews



    Fue una experiencia inolvidable para mí y para mis alumnos

    Summer English School Ardmore Berkshire College — language school in the UK

    Hall Place Lane, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead, UK

    Tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con Ardmore en el verano de 2019. Soy profesora de inglés y llevé a mis alumnos de Túnez a Inglaterra y Ardmore nos cuidó muy bien. Fue una experiencia inolvidable para mí y para mis alumnos. Los profesores fueron realmente útiles, actividades inmersivas, ambiente internacional donde los estudiantes aprenden unos de otros y aprenden sobre las diferentes culturas de los demás. Las habitaciones estaban limpias y cómodas, la comida era buena y los viajes combinaban cultura y diversión. Ir a importantes monumentos históricos y grandes museos les da a los estudiantes la oportunidad de visualizar, experimentar y discutir los temas que estudian para lograr una mayor comprensión, Ardmore ofrece viajes culturales y les da a los estudiantes la oportunidad de discutir lo que aprendieron en las aulas con nativos. profesores y compañeros de clase internacionales.
    Al finalizar, los alumnos obtienen un certificado de finalización del curso y disfrutan de una fiesta de despedida. Maravillosa experiencia para todos! ¡Esperando más viajes después de que termine la pandemia!

    Евгения Романова


    Оснащение кампусов в школе впечатлило

    Summer English School Ardmore Berkshire College — language school in the UK

    Hall Place Lane, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead, UK

    До сих пор под впечатлением от поездки с ребятами в школу Великобритании, благодаря данной компании. Ездила с классом, у которого являюсь классной руководительницей, это был первый опыт такой поездки, хотя работаю в школе много лет. Благодаря Travel Class поездка прошла очень хорошо, все было организовано на высшем уровне. На протяжении всей поездки дети изучали английский с лучшими учителями, были мы кстати в языковой школе Ardmore Berkshire College в Великобритании. Оснащение кампусов в школе впечатлило. Помимо обучения ещё успели съездить посмотреть достопримечательности, знаменитый бин бен (который сейчас к сожалению на реконструкции), Тауэрский мост. Мои ученики и я остались от поездки в восторге!
