Alphabet Outdoor Exploration
Alphabet Outdoor Exploration
- Alphabet Outdoor Exploration
- Umbria, Italia
- Camp
- От 12 до 17 лет

Описание программы и что включено в цену
The camp is run entirely in English and our whole staff is made up of qualified mother tongue instructors and teachers. All of our outdoor sports, activities, training exercises and traditional classroom lessons are delivered in English. Participants get to work on core language development while learning valuable outdoor educational skills.
Every day campers will face a new outdoor activity, representing for most a totally new challenge. A briefing session precedes every sport and once properly instructed and fully aware of the safety measures needed to practice the activity safely, our campers get into action and put themselves to the test climbing a vertical rock wall, whitewater rafting, mountain biking through the woods, practicing orienteering to navigate unknown territory, experiencing an amazing overnight trekking expedition, and much more.
In their down time, campers can make use of the pool, play beach volleyball, beach soccer, or simply lounge on the veranda chatting with their new friends.
Alphabet International Camps offers innovative American summer camps in the heart of Italy blending education, culture and adventure for an unforgettable experience.
While always privileging the FUN factor, our summer camps offer a 360-degree learning experience, enabling students to explore their potential. They develop independence, create new friendships, strengthen their communication skills, learn about teamwork, and are encouraged to be open-minded.
Our camps are run entirely in English and guarantee exceptional safety and 100% involvement at all times thanks to a 5:1 student to counselor ratio.
Alphabet Outdoor Exploration is simply the best adventure camp in Italy. Our program is designed to take 12 to 17 years old campers through an endless outdoor sports journey, in direct contact with nature at its wildest.
Participants will acquire lifelong skills working in teams, learning about the environment, practicing orienteering and experiencing an amazing overnight expedition. They will put themselves to the test rock climbing, whitewater rafting, mountain biking through the woods, and much more.
Ultimately they will improve their communication skills and confidence by learning through experiential education, pushing their personal boundaries and exploring their true potential.
The opportunities for personal growth are embedded in everything that we do at Outdoor Exploration.
Почему стоит поехать именно сюда
- Through our Alphabet International Camps divison, we work closely with schools to provide an experience which can be integrated into their curriculum in order to construct a unique program which shares the school’s goals and values while providing a fun and engaging experience for students.
- All programs place students in a safe and secure environment where they are challenged to work together to acquire 21st century skills and leadership development.
- All our programs take place in beautiful central Italy, in country estates that are reserved only for Alphabet campers and staff
- Alphabet is also an official Cambridge test preparation center through the Alphabet School division
- Exclusive use of country estate
- Private dining area
- Outdoor classrooms
- And more!
Спортивная инфраструктура
- Pool
- Rock climbing wall
- Mountain bikes
- Archery
- Beach volleyball
- Campfire
- And more!
Хобби и клубы
Рекомендованные города прилета
- Rome
Ближайшие аэропорты
- Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport - 120 minutes
Umbria, Italia
Примерная программа
1 day
Day. Campers arrive
Evening. Orientation
2 day
Day. Team sports/Climbing
Evening. Reading the stars
3 day
Day. Team sports/Rafting or Canyoning
4 day
Day. Team sports/Mountain biking
5 day
Day. Team sports/Trekking
Evening. Overnight camping excursion
6 day
Day. Team sports/orienteering
Evening. Disco night
7 day
Day. One week campers leave
Evening. Evening entertainment

Ответы на вопросы
Как забронировать
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Правила отмены
В случае отмены как минимум за две недели вам будет возвращена оплаченная сумма за исключением:
- услуги Travel Class по бронированию 3 500 рублей;
- визовый сбор страны обучения, если он был уплачен;
- услуги Travel Class по оформлению визы 7 500 руб, если она была оформлена
- возврат авиабилета производится по правилам авиакомпании (если не запрошено иное, по умолчанию приобретаются билеты по самому выгодному обычно невозвратному тарифу).
При отмене менее чем за две недели до начала Программы дополнительно удерживается:
- первая неделя Программы в Школе;
- дополнительные услуги (медицинская страховка, встреча в аэропорту, доп экскурсии), если они были уже заказаны.
Типовой договор с Трэвэл Класс -
Цена фиксирована
Цена фиксирована в валюте страны обучения. Например, Великобритания - фунты стерлингов, Ирландия - евро.
Оплата производится в рублях по курсу на день платежа.
После внесения полной оплаты цена не меняется независимо от курса валюты.
Если сначала вносите предоплату, то доплата будет расчитываться по курсу на день платежа.
Как организуется трансфер до школы?
1. Родители регистрируют ребенка на рейс. Авиакомпании обычно разрешают самостоятельный перелет с 12 лет. Можно заказать услугу сопровождения несовершеннолетнего (100-150 евро), чтобы в аэропорту ребенка сопровождал сотрудник аэропорта.
2. Если заказываете трансфер, в аэропорту прилета ребенка встречает представитель школы с табличкой с именем студента.
Is the flight ticket included in the price?
Yes, flight tickets from Spain and Italy are included.