ISI Dublin - language school in Ireland
General English 25
- ISI Dublin - language school in Ireland
- 6 Denmark Street Great, Rotunda, Dublin 1, D01 TK25
- Языковой центр
- От 16 до 99 лет

Описание программы и что включено в цену
In addition to the General English 15 programme, this 25 hour programme includes 10 specialised elective lessons each week which you can choose after your arrival. Elective examples include:
- Conversation Skills
- Examination Preparation (FCE, CAE, IELTS)
- Grammar and Writing
- Pronunciation
- Suitable for students who want a more academic experience, spending 5 hours per day in class
- General ‘all-round’ approach plus a focus on two chosen skills from the list above
- Revision of major grammar and vocabulary at each level
- In-house examinations
Less time for out-of-class activities
Age 16 + with at least a basic knowledge of English (A1 level). Those who are complete beginners will have to enter a one-to-one programme until the A1 level is achieved and an extra fee may be charged.
A0 – C2
Elective 1: 08.00 – 9.00
General: 09.00 – 12.15
Elective 2: 12.25 – 13.25
Any Monday of the year, excluding Christmas vacation
1 – 40 weeks
ISI Certificate in English
Our Meetinghouse Lane school is located in a beautiful 18th-century stone warehouse, converted into a school in 2001. Its interior combines original stone walls and wooden floors with a sleek and modern design, decorated with inspirational art pieces and murals by local artists.
Our Parnell Square centre is housed in a beautiful redbrick Georgian building close to O’Connell Street and just 10 minutes walk from Meetinghouse Lane. The building combines large & ornate period rooms with modern furniture & artwork to create a wonderful learning space.
Founded in 2001, for more than 20 years ISI Dublin has been offering the highest quality educational programmes to overseas students. Recognised by ACELS, a service of Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) for English language education (ELE), ISI Dublin is also a member of Ireland’s premiere quality language school association MEI, as well as the world-renowned ALTO. Our programmes are approved for various European funding including Bildungsurlaub and Erasmus Plus. Operating a quality high school programme for almost 20 years has led us to being a founding member of AGPI. ISI Dublin is also the proud winner of the Study Travel Star English Language School Europe Award a total of four times, in 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020/21, and has been nominated for the award every year since 2013. As a school we are known internationally for our innovative approach to teaching, our blended use of technology in the classroom, our focus on continuous professional development for our staff and teachers, as well as the beautiful interior design of our buildings. We love what we do at ISI and we always try to place our students at the centre of all our efforts.
Почему стоит поехать именно сюда
During English in Action Projects the teacher takes the students outside the classroom to collect information on a specific topic. The students compile their findings in the classoom and can make a presentation in front of the class, using our audio-visual equipment.
Below are some examples of the
engaging English in Action projects the
students may participate in:
• Gathering information about Ireland at the Tourist Office
• Research project at the Garden of Remembrance
• Gathering information about exhibitions at museums
• Doing street surveys
• Conducting interviews
• Gathering price and produce information at the Historical Market
- Over 20 bright and spacious
classrooms - Digital Interactive Whiteboards
- Student dining area for breaks and
lunch - Fully staffed reception desk
- WiFi
Спортивная инфраструктура
- All-weather outdoor sports pitch
- Indoor gym hall
- Outdoor secure courtyard
Хобби и клубы
- Sports and Physical Activities
- Rounders
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Drama
- Dance
- Novelty Games
- Walking tours around the city
- Museum and Art Gallery Visits
- Two Evening Events
- Disco (every week)
- Table quiz
- Movie Night
- Live Theatre
- Live Music
Рекомендованные города прилета
- Dublin
Ближайшие аэропорты
- Dublin Airport - 30 minutes
6 Denmark Street Great, Rotunda, Dublin 1, D01 TK25
Ответы на вопросы
Как забронировать
Просто напишите нам в Whatsapp
Правила отмены
В случае отмены как минимум за две недели вам будет возвращена оплаченная сумма за исключением:
- услуги Travel Class по бронированию 3 500 рублей;
- визовый сбор страны обучения, если он был уплачен;
- услуги Travel Class по оформлению визы 7 500 руб, если она была оформлена
- возврат авиабилета производится по правилам авиакомпании (если не запрошено иное, по умолчанию приобретаются билеты по самому выгодному обычно невозвратному тарифу).
При отмене менее чем за две недели до начала Программы дополнительно удерживается:
- первая неделя Программы в Школе;
- дополнительные услуги (медицинская страховка, встреча в аэропорту, доп экскурсии), если они были уже заказаны.
Типовой договор с Трэвэл Класс -
Цена фиксирована
Цена фиксирована в валюте страны обучения. Например, Великобритания - фунты стерлингов, Ирландия - евро.
Оплата производится в рублях по курсу на день платежа.
После внесения полной оплаты цена не меняется независимо от курса валюты.
Если сначала вносите предоплату, то доплата будет расчитываться по курсу на день платежа.
Как организуется трансфер до школы?
1. Родители регистрируют ребенка на рейс. Авиакомпании обычно разрешают самостоятельный перелет с 12 лет. Можно заказать услугу сопровождения несовершеннолетнего (100-150 евро), чтобы в аэропорту ребенка сопровождал сотрудник аэропорта.
2. Если заказываете трансфер, в аэропорту прилета ребенка встречает представитель школы с табличкой с именем студента.
Is the flight ticket included in the price?
Yes, flight tickets from Spain and Italy are included.