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Monika Kolar


They all hope it was not their last visit to KKCL

KKCL Harrow Off-Peak Homestay Programme KKCL Harrow — language school in the UK

103-105 Greenford Road, Harrow, UK

A group of our school children arrived to KKCL, it was a group of 43 children attending our primary school, aged 10 - 18, accompanied by four adults. Most of them visited London for the very first time. They have been accomodated in families that have been very helpful, even with driving the children to school and back. The children spent three days at the KKCL school, three hours a day. In their spare time the children had the opportunity to get to know London and it's surroundings. The KKCL school left nothing to chance and organized everything to the last detail, including the children's night arrival. The local teachers had an entertaining education methods and our children were delighted. They even enjoyed the canteen meals a lot. The children left London with unforgettable experiences and they all hope it was not their last visit to KKCL.

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Ravion Sunthornrak



Summer English School (Homestay)

KKCL London - Harrow School

5 High St, Harrow HA1 3HP, UK

First of all, I wish to express my most sincere thanks for all your and team excellent support, and to make
the program so awesome! Thanks Luciana who supports me for all enquiries I& d requested ^^ and Denis, the
wonderful activities leader whom we& ve ever met.^^ Students have a wonderful time along their stay. It& s
Thanking, once again, for your great support and all the assistance you have given to us. Will talk to you
soon regarding the October program.
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Caterina Prattico’


Whatever small problem cropped up, they were extremely quick to solve it

KKCL Harrow Off-Peak Homestay Programme KKCL Harrow — language school in the UK

103-105 Greenford Road, Harrow, UK

I am writing to compliment the KKCL Organisation for the excellent English course that a group of students
from my school took at their school based in Harrow last February.
The course, transport to and from the airport and accommodation were seen to in every detail, and whatever
small problem cropped up, they were extremely quick to solve it. The school staff were courteous and very
helpful in satisfying all our needs. The teachers’ approach was always encouraging and supportive. The cooks
in the school canteen always tried to do their best to prepare meals that could satisfy the tastes of Italian
students (not so easy to do!).
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Замечательно организуют активитиз!

Summer English School Bath (ensuite accommodation) Target University of Bath — summer school in the UK

Claverton Down Road, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK

Спасибо большое за поездку! Нам очень понравилось! Большой зеленый кампус. Есть куда спокойно отпустить детей погулять. Все зелено, фонтаны на кампусе. 

Обучение хорошо прошло. Разделили по уровням. Совпало как я их делю у себя в школе. Классы международные, были в июле, много групп со всех стран. 

Замечательно организуют активитиз, дети всегда заняты, фотографируем детей, потом выберем и вышлем. Город очень красивый, уроки сегодня детям понравились. 

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Территория лагеря удивила своим масштабом и великолепием

Summer English School

LAL New York Fordham University — summer school in the USA

441 East Fordham Road, Bronx, NY, USA

Этим летом в июле месяце мы провели время в Lal New York, где нам очень понравилось. Территория лагеря удивила своим масштабом и великолепием. Питание и условия для детей можно оценить на 5. Что касается обучения, есть кое какие коментарии:  дети сначала были распределены не по уровням, из-за  этого потом перераспределяли. Дети жили вместе.
Экскурсионная програма была насыщенная и познавательная. В общем и целом, лагерь понравился, собираемся в следующем году посетить Беркамстед. Надеемся на отличный отдых!!!
